Quensh in Australia: A Successful Return and Exciting Opportunities

Earlier in 2024, we embarked on an exciting journey to re-establish Quensh’s presence in Australia. 

Spearheaded by Jamie Searle, Technical Sales Director — who travelled over from our Scotland HQ in March 2024 — and Simon Rowlands, our Regional HSEQ Manager in Perth, Western Australia, this marks a pivotal moment in our strategic growth plan as we dive back into the vibrant Australian market.   

From 5th-21st March, Jamie and Simon immersed themselves in a whirlwind of activities, seizing every opportunity to reconnect with existing clients, forge new relationships and showcase Quensh’s range of expertise. 

Networking & Industry Events

Networking events and meetings during this visit to Perth included:

  • Meetings at DrillSafe and DrillWell

  • OGV Energy Golf Day at Joondalup Resort Golf Course — Quensh sponsored a hole, played some very enjoyable golf and met an array of great people from across the energy industry

  • AOG Energy at the Perth Exhibition and Convention Centre — Quensh were featured on the Scottish Development International (SDI) exhibition stand, allowing the Quensh team fantastic opportunities to meet a wide range of businesses.

  • Quensh networking event at The Stables, Perth on 19th March — in conjunction with Azure HR  


These engagements provided the perfect platform for us to reintroduce ourselves to this region and engage with industry peers. 

See below for a video interview with Jamie Searle, conducted by OGV TV, from our SDI exhibition stand at AOG Energy

Thoughts & Reflections

Reflecting on the trip afterwards, Technical Sales Director Jamie Searle gave his thoughts:

“The trip was excellent. We’ve had the chance to reconnect with familiar faces and forge new partnerships. The response has been overwhelmingly positive, with several promising proposals already in the pipeline.”


Quensh’s Perth-based HSEQ specialist Simon Rowlands echoed this sentiment:

“Re-establishing Quensh in Australia has already been a brilliant experience. The warmth of Perth’s business community and the way they do business out here has been fantastic to experience. I’m optimistic about the future and excited to contribute to Quensh’s growth in this dynamic market.”

Simon Rowlands, Quensh Perth Australia HSEQ QHSE

Opportunities to Come

Reflecting on the trip, one month on, the Quensh team is looking ahead with confidence. With proposals submitted and discussions ongoing, the groundwork has been laid for this new chapter in Quensh’s Australian story.

Q2 of 2024 holds promise, with fruitful collaborations and new opportunities on the horizon — we are really looking forward to embarking on a number of projects with businesses in Western Australia.


For general enquiries about our business and services, visit the Quensh Contact page for mailing addresses across the UK and Perth Australia, along with telephone and email address information.

For the latest news, views and updates from the Quensh team, follow us on LinkedIn